Programs of study are offered in Mathematics, Science, English and Humanities & Social Sciences. Students usually enter either the mathematics and science stream or the humanities stream (English and HASS). A number of students choose to pursue studies in both streams, when offered the opportunity mid Year 7 or at the commencement of Year 8. Children study with other gifted students and follow a differentiated curriculum designed specifically for their needs.
The GT Online curriculum is differentiated to cater for the needs of gifted students using three broad approaches: acceleration, extension, and enrichment.
The online version of the course has been in existence since 1996. Since that time, a large number of country students have undertaken the course and the course has seen a number of changes and updates in its delivery method. A number of students win awards in national and international competitions during their time with us as well as School Curriculum and Standards Authority awards at the end of Year 12. Many students build strong connections with their classmates and teachers and keep in contact with the learning community.
What GT Online mostly means is that students can undertake an academic talent program with other similarly talented students, while living at home and attending their local school,instead of moving to Perth at a young age.
The program and support outlined on this website are for the use of students in all government schools in regional Western Australia, with the exception of Albany or Bunbury where there is access to a school based gifted and talented program in that region. Entrance to the program is only available by examination administered by Gifted and Talented (GAT) at the WA Department of Education.
Name: Sarah Mirco- Gifted & Talented Online Program Coordinator
Phone: (08) 9392 6818