The GT Online program is reliant on having a school-based liaison person to assist
and support students in accessing the online programs at the school level.
The School Coordinator’s responsibilities are:
- Provide school timetables to the GT Online Program Coordinator to assist in timetabling of online classes.
- Liaise with the GT Online Program Coordinator to select most suitable lesson times.
- Meet with students to help them coordinate a school + online timetable.
- Ensure school-based teachers are aware of the reason for student’s early
departure/late arrival to lessons. Students may need assistance initiating this conversation with their teachers.
Lesson Organisation
Non-contact lesson time: students require a quiet place with access to a computer and should not be expected to work in a classroom where lessons are being conducted.
- Organise an appropriate quiet location within the school where students can work on a networked computer for ‘live’ lessons and independent study time.
- Ensure students have access to and use a webcam. Students need to provide their own headset with inbuilt microphone.
- Notify GT Online Coordinator of major school events that will impact student lesson attendance.
Pastoral Care
- Check in with the GT Online students, reassuring them that they have a contact person in the school and someone to ask for help.
- Provide support to students new to GT Online, listening to their concerns and partnering with older GT Online students as mentors if possible.
- Follow up on ongoing unexplained absences from GT Online classes if required.
- Distribute GT Online resources to students and facilitate their return as required.
- Assist students to scan/email completed work to their online teacher.
- Coordinate with students a suitable day and location for them to complete topic tests sent by the online teachers. These tests are to be administered under normal test conditions.
- When required, scan and return completed topic tests to online teachers as soon as possible.