I am loving HASS here at Penrhos but have missed everyone in the GATE community, so I thought I’d reach out to see how things are. In semester 1, I got dux for both history and economics and have been thoroughly enjoying both and I started a geographical inquiry on Friday. I also wanted to personally thank you, as you truly were an incredible teacher and I have had a huge advantage coming into year 10 after doing GATE. ( Sarah 3 years GT Online).
I am emailing you to express my appreciation for preparing me for year 11 ATAR English. Due to the rigorous work ethic needed to succeed in the GATE program, as well as the variety of tasks that require analytical thinking, I was pleasantly surprised when I realised that year 11 ATAR English was actually easier than GATE English. The self-driven nature of GATE provided a seamless transition to ATAR. Nathan and I are at the top of our class and both performed very well in the semester two exams (with Nathan at the top). Once again, thank you for all the feedback and wisdom you imparted over the years, I daresay it has paid off.
The GT Online program for me has been life changing! I get to associate with peers who have the academic abilities that I do, and are the type of friends who leave a positive and lasting impact. I love how the lessons are enriching and challenging, which is exactly what I need to fuel my hunger for knowledge. The program is a fantastic initiative and I am very grateful for having the opportunity to be involved.
The opportunity to be in the GT Online program has been nothing short of amazing. I have had opportunities that I couldn’t of imagined before commencing in the program in 2019. And, although it has been only 18 months, I have learnt so many learning skills feel very prepared with content as I move into Year 11.
I wanted to thankyou for this great opportunity of being in GATE, I have made so many great friends that I’ hopefully going to keep for a long time. The kids in GATE are some of the best you can come across, and the teachers are really supportive. I’ve only been able to be in GATE for a year and yet I feel like I’ve learnt more in that one year than in my whole primary years. My teachers have challenged me and shown me how to do problems like linear equations that I never thought I would understand. I wish my class the best for the future and when they graduate in year 10. I’m going to miss them so much as well as my teachers.
Being in the GT Online program has inspired me and from it I have gained extraordinary knowledge and experience that help define who I am.
Through out this term, going to an English online class has always been a joy, your anecdotes always brighten up my day and put a smile on my face, your encouragement and belief in us gave me confidence in myself and the knowledge you give will be crucial to my future. I am incredibly grateful to have such a cool, humorous and sweet teacher like you and I will not ever regret being in the GT Online English program.
I just got my results back for my first ATAR economics test and I scored 80% thanks to last year’s GT Online course!
I am very thankful for the four years I did and the experience that GATE was because it has set me up for success in senior school (which I am sure you’ve heard from every other past student – but it’s trueeee!). Every week I come to realise more and more how beneficial the stuff I’ve already done is helping me and how I’m way ahead in a lot of the English and History skills. I do miss GATE quite bit though. The community is so enjoyable in GATE……. good camaraderie and wholesome community. We always spent time talking and communicating in lessons and on Moodle and the banter was so good. I still keep in contact with all the other GATE kids …. This is all a bit of rambling, but I guess what I’m saying is I very much appreciate GATE, miss it lots, and would urge you guys to never change the great community building which the program does so well.
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the impact made on me during my three years of GATE. Your awesome teaching style leaves me with more understanding of topics than I realise and it’s pushed me to give my best in my humanities subjects, and as a result I’ve done some of my best work in history and geography starting off my first semester of Year 10. At the start of year seven I’d have said Humanities was seriously scary, completely foreign and very confusing, but with a few years in GATE I’ve come to really enjoy humanities and I’m going to try my luck with Modern History next year (something I thought would never happen).
I just wanted to send a big thank you to you all for your work with and support over this first term. The students really enjoyed the GATE experience and learnt heaps. Most importantly, they both have a better understanding of the organisational and self-motivational skills required to be successful, not just with GATE but with the rest of their school subjects and life in general. We live in a pretty small community ….. GATE also gives them an opportunity to interact with some people outside of the local bubble.
She’s an amazing girl and works very hard towards her goals but this could never have been possible without her encouraging and supportive teachers! So we would like to extend a special thanks to all you amazing teachers for being there with her at every step. She’s truly blessed to have each one of you!
Sarah’s participation in GATE for HASS and English has been a great privilege and an amazing opportunity for her to extend her skills and knowledge and we have no doubt her GATE experience will stand her in good stead for preparation next year.
My daughter has been in the GT Online program for 3 years. Living remotely, we are so thankful that this program has been available to her. It has enabled her to connect with like minded students who are dedicated and want to learn. She has learnt to communicate with the other students and her teachers online which will prepare her for future online learning. The friendships and connections that she has made all over WA has certainly made her feel less isolated. Attending the GT Online Camp in Perth twice a year is the highlight of her year!
Our daughter has been involved in the GT Online programme for Years 7, 8 & 9. She has benefitted so much from academic extension in the Humanities. She loves her online sessions and looks forward to the camp every semester. We are really thankful that bright country kids can have these opportunities.
My four children participated in the GT on line program with the youngest two still currently enrolled in the program in year 8 and year 10. My eldest began the program in year 8 in 2012 and my second son began, also in year 8, in 2014. I have found the program to be well organised, with great leadership and dedicated teachers and an education program that suits my children’s needs without them having to move away from home to attend Perth Modern. The camps are a highlight that they look forward to, an opportunity to meet up with their teachers face to face and mingle with their likeminded peers form around the state. They are given the opportunity to enter and compete in numerous competitions in various learning areas. Both my sons entered and were successful in being selected to attend the Premiers ANZAC student tour, which was an amazing opportunity for them. Transitioning to year 11 and 12 in the classroom at ASHS after they finished with the GT on line program came smoothly and both boys went on to become academic Dux of year 12 at ASHS. They are both now currently studying at the Australian National University with my eldest being successful in gaining the prestigious Tuckwell Scholarship when he began his studies in 2017. I have no doubt that studying with the GT online program in years 8 – 10 has significantly impacted on their success, aiding them to be highly self motivated learners. They were provided with learning opportunities that were at their level and learnt to responsible for their own learning.
I just wanted to say it is being a great experience for Matilda doing GT online we are so impressed with how well the program is delivered & run. You guys are doing an awesome job. Thanks for being so well organised and we look forward to next semester.
Being there that evening re-enforced how special GT Online really is and brought back so many special memories! We will always be in debt to you, for the invaluable contribution to Mary’s education. I think it had given her an unfair advantage amongst her class mates this year at her new school.