Both school and online classes.
Weeks A & B for Maths / Science.
Reschedule breaks if needed.
Set Reminders or alarms.
Learn your timetable
Allocate all lessons to specific learning areas to complete course tasks.
Allow time to get to your classroom and set up.
Login to Webex on time.
Make your lessons a priority.
If you're going to be absent inform your teacher and listen to the lesson recording.
Follow instructions.
Listen to your teacher.
Focus on the screen.
Avoid distractions
Contribute to lessons.
Ask questions.
Answer questions.
Listen and learn from others.
Login daily.
Check notices.
Learn to access and use Education Perfect & Mathspace if required.
Your teachers, parents and school coordinator are here to support you.
Message teachers regularly to let them know how you are going.
Keep up to date with tasks.
Produce work you are proud of.
Submit work on time.
Follow your timetable.
Organise your paper and electronic files.
Look after equipment.
Get motivated and don't rely on others to tell you what to do.
Participate and interact in the learning process.
Reflect on your learning and decide whether it has been effective.