Teachers are committed to the ‘whole child’ and focus is given to understanding and nurturing each child’s social and emotional wellbeing.
Development of students as independent and active lifelong learners is a priority, through the provision of high-quality teaching catering to the needs of gift ed learners, in a structured and engaging environment.
Students are successfully prepared with the skills and understandings to achieve their personal best and collective excellence.
To gain entry to the GT Online Program students must be successful in the selective entry test administered by the Gifted and Talented Selection Unit.
The program is available for identified students from Year 7 to 10 in government schools in regional and remote Western Australia. In 2021, there are over 80 students enrolled from 34 different locacatons across WA.
Participanting in the GT Online Program is a rewarding and educationally challenging opportunity that sets high standards and promotes the successful attainment of learning outcomes. The program aims to develop independent students with a love of learning, well prepared for upper school and beyond.